Lautaro Bravo de la Serna

Sense of Unity (2020)


Sense of Unity is a puzzle game where you have to make your way to the exit trying to save as many  people as possible. But beware, every person you save makes it riskier for you to continue though they can help you in moments of need.

If you are up for the challenge, try to save  not only yourself or the ones that are on the path but  everyone from the plague and take risks in order to save others.


  • 10 levels of difficult with multiples variants per stage so you can replay the game to discover new and exciting  ones!
  • 4 types of Units
    • The torch
    • The carpenter
    • The guardian
    • The plant kid
  • Unique custom music
  • Multiple resolutions
  • Unity 3D
  • C#